Topics & Training

Education & Consulting for Helping Professionals


Healthy and effective leadership is critical and central to the well-being of an organization. At TEND, we know that leading teams in a high-pressure, high stress, and trauma-exposed workplace requires a specialized approach. These sessions provide leadership with essential knowledge and tools to lead their teams with confidence and competence.
Diverse group of co-workers in a meeting
Key Learnings
  • Understand the unique challenges of complex workplaces.
  • Recognize the key indicators of a resilient workplace and assess your team’s resiliency profile.
  • Gain evidence-informed strategies, tools, and resources to foster a healthy, secondary trauma-informed workplace.

Organizational Health

Building Resilient Teams and a Secondary Trauma-Informed Workplace


Our staff are the heart of our organizations. As leaders, it is our goal is to build strong and resilient teams that can thrive in the face of challenging work. The first step towards this goal is to understand the unique challenges of trauma-exposed work and to devise strategies to build resiliency and capacity in our teams.

This training is based on the work of Dr. Patricia Fisher, a specialist in the field of organizational health. Grounded in trauma research and organizational psychology, this training covers best practice recommendations for managing and leading in trauma-exposed workplaces.

Diverse group of managers meet at a large table
Key Learnings
  • Debunk myths and misconceptions about being a compassionate leader.
  • Understand the four pillars of a healthy workplace and the qualities of a “good” leader.
  • Understand why compassion is important at all levels of management.

Compassionate Leadership

Effectively Managing Teams in the Shifting Landscape of Work


The landscape of work has changed. Organizations are witnessing a seismic upheaval of the values, priorities, and goals of their people. Recruitment and retention are top concerns. How do we effectively lead while navigating constant change? What strategies work to encourage engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction in our teams.

Compassionate leadership is an approach to leadership that inspires and supports others through genuine connection. Although the basic tenets of compassionate leadership are simple, implementing them in the face of limited resources, crisis situations, and established organizational cultures can feel insurmountable – and pose a challenge for even the most experienced leader.

Black woman feeling overwhelmed holding her head in her hands
Key Learnings
  • Understand the difference between resilience and post-traumatic growth.
  • Recognize the dangers of going too fast, or the “flight into health.”
  • Learn strategies to foster post-traumatic growth and well-being.


The Truth About Burnout & How to Manage It


The concept of “job burnout” is now completely embedded in popular culture and mass media. As the term has settled into popular use, its definition has drifted from its intended meaning and, in healthcare in particular, burnout is often used as an umbrella term for any negative work-related stress. This oversimplification risks obscuring other important factors that are amplifying stress and distress in our teams.

Additionally, evidence shows that an overemphasis on individual self-care practices as a solution to burnout is not only ineffective but leads to resentment from workers and may be contributing to the profound labour transformation and attrition that workforces are experiencing.

This training is aimed at leaders who wish to develop a fuller understanding of where burnout fits in the constellation of intersecting factors that contribute to occupational stress and explore ways to improve staff (and their own) job health.

Key Learnings
  • Understand the importance of embedding a trauma-informed approach throughout the organization.
  • Be aware of common barriers and misconceptions about trauma-informed practices.
  • Learn best practices for developing an organization-wide trauma-informed approach.

Becoming a Trauma-Informed Organization

There is No One-Size-Fits-All Approach


Ensuring our organization is built on the foundations of trauma-informed practice (TIP) is essential for providing responsive, ethical, and compassionate service. Although research has shown that TIP can improve health outcomes and engagement, this is only true when a trauma-informed approach is implemented comprehensively across an organization. How do we begin the journey towards becoming a trauma-informed organization while avoiding an ineffective, check-the-box approach?

This training is aimed at leaders who are looking for resources and strategies to lay the groundwork for becoming a trauma-informed organization.

Contact us to book your training today.

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